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ATA Carnets & the E.U.

The U.K. has left the E.U. customs union, and ATA Carnets or temporary import bonds (TIBs) are  required for temporary imports.
Read more in-depth.

Exporters should prepare for future ATA Carnet needs by answering the following questions:

  • Am I currently shipping or hand-carrying sales samples, tools of the trade or trade show materials to E.U. countries that typically return to the U.K. within 12 months? If the answer is yes, we can help you understand what the costs will be for the ATA Carnets you will need.
  • What are the frequencies, commodities, values, duration and destinations of those shipments?

Ex. We send film production equipment valued at £50,000 twice a year to Italy for 2 months.

Submit this information via the linked email form and we will provide an estimate of costs for budgeting purposes. 

Information for Brexit Estimate Example Shipment Details
Frequency 2x per year
Commodity Film Production Equipment
Value £50,000
Duration 2 months
Destination/s Italy

Call or email us to discuss your Brexit ATA Carnet questions: 0808 189 3400.

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