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Brazil - Special Considerations

UPDATE: As of 1 January 2022, Brazil Officially Left ATA Carnet System - No Longer Accepts or Issues ATA Carnets. More Info.

October 2019 - Reviewed for Accuracy

Brazil is the 85th country/territory to join the ATA Carnet system. It is only the third Latin American member country after Chile and Mexico. The National Guaranteeing Association is The Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI - National Confederation of Industry).

 Brazil (ISO code is BR)

 Accepts ATA Carnets only for:
 Professional Equipment

 Exhibitions and Fairs

All Customs offices in Brazil are entitled to handle ATA Carnets for the purposes of Customs clearance from Monday to Friday during opening hours (from 8:00am until 18:00pm).

A list of the Customs offices and their hours of operation is available at: Customs Offices.

The World Chambers Federation of the International Chamber of Commerce highly recommends Carnet Holders to have a copy of the Brazilian Customs law 1639
(Portuguese version)
 enabling ATA Carnets when clearing customs in Brazil. Click here for the English version.

Please contact a UK Carnet Specialist at the boomerang carnets® UK Carnet HelpLine® 0.808.189.3400 or email us for additional information or if you are planning to use a carnet for travel to Brazil.