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Brazil on the Brink of Accepting Carnets
A highly-placed Brazilian customs official has unofficially advised the U.S. ATA Carnet national guaranteeing association that Brazil intends to accept carnets as of August 31st, 2015. Implementation will follow an intensive training taking place in Brasilia August 10-13th. Brazilian customs, the Brazilian national guaranteeing association, the National Confederation of Industry (Confederação Nacional da Industria) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection will all participate in the training. This information comes just in time for Brazil to get ready to accept ATA Carnets for the 2016 Olympics.
The August 31st implementation date is a long-awaited detail specifying the status of Brazil and ATA Carnets since they became signatories to the Istanbul Convention governing carnets in 2011.
While boomerang carnets® is eager to start issuing carnets to Brazil, there is some concern that Brazil may not be entirely ready for the flow of carnets and temporary imports that are anticipated. Bruce A. Wilson, Chairman, Kernow Capital Corporation and former Director of the ATA Carnet system in the U.S. observed, ”It is exciting for U.S. companies that this temporary export tool will soon be available to enter an important foreign market but I am concerned about the implementation. Problems will develop for U.S. carnet users in Brazil if Brazilian customs isn’t fully-trained and prepared for accepting and validating foreign carnets. We will be ready when the time comes; I hope Brazil is ready.”
Brazil is only the 3rd Latin American country to join the ATA Carnet system after Chile (2005) and Mexico (2011).
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