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China Announces Big Increase in ATA Carnet Acceptance
China currently limits acceptance of carnets to Exhibitions and Fairs however they recently announced the intention to accept the
Commercial Samples and Professional Equipment provisions of the ATA Carnet convention. This change would provide ATA Carnet users to China with the most options for usingan ATA Carnet there. It would expand the acceptable uses of the ATA Carnet which is currently narrowly defined under the Exhibitions and Fairs provision.
Carnet issuers have always had a large demand from carnet users for both Commercial Samples and Professional Equipment going into China due to exporters' desire to enter the Chinese market with foreign goods. Opening the doors to these additional uses of the carnet into China should significantly increase ATA Carnet activity into that growing economy. A formal announcement is expected to be made by the ICC in February of 2018.
For additional information about using ATA Carnets call the boomerang carnets® UK Carnet HelpLine® 0.808.189.3400 or message the Carnet Specialists.