Get a US Carnet
U.K. ATA Carnets are now available online from the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce (LCC) from anywhere in the U.K. regardless of membership in the Chamber. LCC has partnered with us, boomerang carnets® UK, to deliver a fully-automated, ATA Carnet application solution that is highly-efficient for the carnet applicant. Automation of the carnet process in the U.K. has lagged behind the U.S. until now, for at least 20 years.
When LCC was approached by boomerang carnets® to partner for an improved carnet process, the forward-thinking Chamber was eager to explore the potential of a partnership. Andy Snell, Head of International Trade and Commercial Services for LCC, quickly saw the benefit to U.K. exporters to leverage LCC's appointment as a U.K. ATA Carnet Issuing Body by automating the cumbersome carnet application and issuing processes. LCC subsequently appointed boomerang carnets LTD as a carnet Service Provider and a pilot program was launched March 1st, 2015.
The pilot was successful and on June 1st, 2015 the Liverpool Chamber's new system became available to any U.K. exporter without the requirement of membership in the Chamber to receive the best prices. Liverpool is the first U.K. Carnet-Issuing Chamber to provide competitive pricing to ALL applicants regardless of membership status. This move is consistent with Liverpool's commitment to promoting U.K. exports by making trade services affordable and accessible to small and medium exporters looking to expand overseas.
The online application adopted by LCC has been used in the U.S. for 10 years to process 7500+ carnets annually and is a proven solution. All that is required to apply for a carnet is to register for an account online, log in and begin. Stamps, seals and signatures are all administered electronically and compliance with security requirements are included in the one-stop-shop application.
LCC's automated carnet extends to the delivery of the carnet documents as well. Applicants can opt for electronic delivery of their carnet in Liverpool. London or at Heathrow. U.K. carnets can even be printed in Chicago in that unusual instance where U.K. document delivery is needed in the U.S. Electronic delivery makes same-day service affordable and much easier for exporters not local to the Liverpool region to benefit from the automated service.