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Motorcycles for Racing, Exhibition, Demonstration or Promotion

Motorcycles (and other vehicles for motorsports) temporarily shipped to an ATA Carnet country for a commercial purpose can be listed on a carnet to avoid paying import duty and tax in the foreign country as well as upon return to the originating country. New, used, vintage, antique and prototype motorcycles are all eligible for inclusion on a carnet. Commercial purposes include but are not limited to:

In addition to including the vehicles on a carnet, accompanying items can also be listed on the carnet:

  • Spare parts
  • Trailers
  • Tires
  • Hand tools
  • Computer equipment
  • Electronic equipment
  • Signage
  • Calibration devices
  • Testing devices

Motorcycles being shipped strictly for personal use may or may not be eligible for an ATA Carnet. A carnet specialist can provide additional information concerning which carnet is the correct form for your situation.