Contact Information for Non-UK Carnet Applications
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Contact Information for Non-UK Carnet Applications



Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania (UCCIAL)
Bulevard. “Zhan D’Ark”, no 23 Tirana 1010 Albania
Tel: (355)4224-7105
Fax: (355)4224-7105

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 02/25/13



Chambre Nationale de Commerce
Palais consulaire, 6 rue Amilcar Cabral
B.P. 100 Alger 1er Novembre
Alger 16003
Tel: (213-21) 96.66.66 or 96.50.50 – Poste 119/ 96.01.01
Fax: (213-21) 96.70.70

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Andorra
C/Prat de la Creu, 8, Ed. Le Mans, Desp. 204-205
AD500 Andorra la Vella – Principat d’Andorra
Tel: (376) 80.92.92
Fax: (376) 86.92.93

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
150 Collins Street, level 2
Victoria 3000

Mailing Address:
G.P.O. Box 4352
Melbourne VIC 3001
Tel: (61-3)8662-5380
Fax: (61-3)8662-5201

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 11/17/2003



Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63
P.O. Box 197
A-1045 Vienna
Tel: 43 (0)5 90 900 4412 / 4458
Fax: 43 (0)5 90 900 114412

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 02/28/2006

Bahrain, Kingdom of


Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 248
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: (+973) 17380 000 / 17380 027
Fax: (+973) 17380 123 / 17380 121 / 17380 130

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
as of 6/1/14



Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ul. Kommunisticheskaya 11
220029 Minsk
Tel: (37517) 334 97 09
Fax: (37517) 290 72 48

Accepts ATA Carnet for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/27/06



Fédération des Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie de Belgique
Rue Belliard 2
B-1040 Brussels
Tel: (32-2) 209.0550
Fax: (32-2) 209.0568

Accepts ATA Carnet for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

Bosnia & Herzegovina


Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Branislava Djurdjeva 9
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel: (+387) 33.566.173
Fax: (+387) 33.226.425

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI)
P.O. Box 213
Saxonwold, 2132
Tel: (27-11) 446.3800
Fax: (27) 86 528 17 46 / 86 528 26 62 / 11 446 3804

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
9 Iskar Street
Sofia 1058
Tel: (359-2) 8117 551 / 8117 406 / 988 45 05
Fax: (359-2) 987 32 09

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004



Canadian Chamber of Commerce
360 Albert Street, Suite 420
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 7X7
Tel: (1-613) 238.4000
Fax: (1-613) 238.7643

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Santiago Chamber of Commerce
Monjitas 392, piso 1
Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56-2) 360 70 49
Fax: (56-2) 632 98 97

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Sample
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 09/02/2005



Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
3rd floor, CCOIC Building
2 Huapichang Hutong, Xicheng District
Tel: (86-10) 8221 7037 – 7096 – 7038
Fax: (86-10) 6808 0330 – 8221 – 7099

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
as of 03/14/06
Professional Equipment and Commercial Samples
as of 01/09/2019

Cote d'Ivoire


Ivory Coast Chamber of Commerce
6 Avenue Joseph Anoma
B.P. 1399
Abidjan 01
Tel: (225) 2033.1600
Fax: (225) 2032.3942

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Croatian Chamber of Economy
Rooseveltov trg 2
P.O. Box 630
10002 Zagreb
Tel: (385-1) 4606 703 / 781 / 767
Fax: (385-1) 4606 782

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 10/20/1999



Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Chamber Building, 38 Grivas Digenis Ave. & 3 Deligiorgis St.
P.O. Box 1455 – Nicosia
Tel: (357-2) 288 98 00
Fax: (357-2) 266 90 48

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/14/2002

Czech Republic*


Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic
Na Florenci 2116/15
110 00 Praha 1 – Czech Republic
Tel: (420) 266 721 372 / 380
Fax: (420) 266 721 694

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004



Danish Chamber of Commerce
Slotsholmsgade 1-3
DK-1217 Copenhagen K
Tel: + 45 33 74 60 00
Fax: + 45 33 74 60 80

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 11/21/2003



Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Toom-Kooli 17
10130 Tallinn
Tel: (372) 6040 060 / 6040 079
Fax: (372) 6040 061

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/29/2002



Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland
P.O. Box 1000
World Trade Centre Helsinki
Aleksanterinkatu 17
FIN-00101 Helsinki
Tel: (358-9) 4242 6200
Fax: (358-9) 65 03 03

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/22/2006

French Guiana


Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce
Breite Strasse 29
D-10178 Berlin
Tel: (49-30) 203 08 23 22
Fax: (49-30) 203 08 523 22

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 05/19/2003



Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce
Watergate House, 2/6, Casemates
P.O. Box 29- Gibraltar
Tel: (350)78.376
Fax: (350)78.403

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry
7 Akadimias Street
Athens 106 71
Tel: (302-10) 338.22.54 – 361 92 41
Fax: (302-10) 362.46.43, 338.23.78

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/29/2002

Guadeloupe (France)


Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Tel: 671-642-8031

Hong Kong


Despite the 1997 change in sovereignty, ATA Carnets continue to be guaranteed by the following organization in Hong Kong. Hong Kong customs will accept all three categories of merchandise issued under Carnets.

Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
22/F United Centre
95 Queensway
Admiralty, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2823.1275
Fax: (852) 2110.9484

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 06/20/2003



Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Szabadsag ter 7.
Tel: (36-1)474.5155
Fax: (36-1)474.5159

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004



Verslunarrad Islands (Iceland Chamber of Commerce)
Borgartun 35
105 Reykjavik, Iceland
Tel: (354)510.7100
Fax: (354)568.6564

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 04/27/2006



Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Federation House, Tansen Marg
New Delhi 110-001, India
Visit India Customs at
Tel: (91-11) 23738760 -70 (11 lines)
Fax: (91-11) 23320714 – 23721504 – 23325158 (Direct)

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment effective January 18, 2018



KADIN Business Support Desk:
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Menara KADIN Indonesia, 3th Floor
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said X-5 Kav. 2-3
Jakarta 12950
Tel: +62.21.5274484 ext 135
Fax: +62.21.5274331

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibition and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 05/15/2015



Dublin Chamber of Commerce
7 Clare Street
Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: (353-1) 644.7204
Fax: (353-1) 644. 7234

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 04/27/2006



Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce
84 Hahashmonaim Street
P.O. Box 20027
Tel-Aviv 61200
Tel: (972-3)563.1010
Fax: (972-3)562.8910

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004



Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Craftsmen, and Agriculture
Piazza Sallustio 21
IT-00187 Roma, Italy
Tel: (39-06) 470.4235 or 470.4236
Fax: (39-06) 487.1995

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
3rd Floor, Hirose Building, 3-17
Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda- ku
Tokyo, 101-0054
Tel: (81-3) 5280.5171
Fax: (81-3) 5280.5170

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/27/06



Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan
010000 19, KabanbayBatyr av.,
Block C, 2nd floor, Astana city
Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 7172 27 96 16 / 27 90 54 / 27 90 55 / 27 88 48

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Professional Equipment
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
as of 4/1/2017



Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Kr. Valdemara Street 35
Riga LV-1010
Tel: (371) 722.55.95
Fax: (371)782.0092

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Beirut Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Sanayeh, Rue Justinien
B.P. Box 11-1801
Tel: (961-1) 744.764 / 744.774
Fax: (961-1) 743.377

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs (Carnets for jewelry will be accepted, but only for use at exhibitions, fairs, or similar events.)
Professional Equipment

Lesotho (SACU)


South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 91267
Auckland Park 2006
Tel: (27-11)358-9700
Fax: (27-11)358-9773

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts
Vasingtono sq. 1-63a
LT-01108 Vilnius
Tel: (370-2)612.102
Fax: (370-2)612.112

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Fédération des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie de Belgique
Louizalaan 500 Av. Louise
1050 Brussels
Tel: (32-2)209.0550
Fax: (32-2)209.0568

Accepts ATA Carnet for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

Macao, China


Macao Chamber of Commerce
Rua de Xangai 175, Edif. ACM, 5°
Tel: +853.2857.6833
Fax: +853.2859.4513

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Economic Chamber of Macedonia
Dimitrie Cupovski Street No. 13
P.O. Box 324 – 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel: (389-2) 3244 000 ; 3244 023
Fax: (389-2) 3244 088

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 07/01/1998



The Federation of Madagascar Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FCCIM)
IVR 42 Espace Conquête Antanimena (101)
101 Antananarivo, Madagascar
Tel: (+ 261) 20 22 213 22

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry
C-8-8 (8th Floor), Block C, Plaza Mont’Kiara,
2 Jalan 1/70C, Mont’Kiara, 50480 Luala Lumpur

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 12921
50792 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (60-3)6201.7708
Fax: (60-3)6201.7705

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 09/20/2001



Malta Chamber of Commerce
Exchange Buildings, Republic Street
Valletta VLT 1117, Malta
Tel: (356)21.233.873
Fax: (356)21.245.223

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry
3 Royal Street
Port Louis
Tel: (230)208.3301
Fax: (230)208.0076

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
Excluding jewelry, processing, repair and transhipment
as of 03/15/2001



Mexico City National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO)
Paseo de la Reforms No. 42 Col. Centro C.P.
06048 Mexico, D.F.
Tel: 5255 3685 2269 ext 1302
Fax: 5255 3685 2200

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitons and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 05/16/2011

Miquelon (France)


Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova
151 Stefan cel Mare Av.
MD-2004 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
Tel: +373 22 23 88 19 or +373 22 23 88 60
Fax: +373 22 23 88 19 or +373 22 23 88 60

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 7/1/2010

Monaco (Admin by France)


Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Tourism Bureau
Sambuu Street 11
Ulaanbaatar 210538
Tel: (976-11) 31.23.71
Fax: (976-11) 32.46.20

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
Commercial Samples
as of 4/2/15



Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (CEM)
Novaka Miloseva 29/II, Pordgorica
Tel: (382-20) 210.130
Fax: (382-20) 230.493

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et de Services de Casablanca
98 boulevard Mohammed V
Casablanca, Maroc
Tel: (212-522) 26 44 38 – 26 43 27/71
Fax: (212-522) 26 84 36

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
as of 03/15/2001

Namibia (SACU)


South African Chamber of Business
P.O. Box 91267
Auckland Park 2006
Tel: (27-11)358-9700
Fax: (27-11)358-9773

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Sint Jacobsstraat 300 – 3511 BT Utrecht

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 48 – 3500 AA
Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel: (32-88) 585.1631
Fax: (31-20)531.4599

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/04/2003

New Caledonia (France)


Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

New Zealand


Wellington Chamber of Commerce
Level 13, NTT Tower
157 Lambton Quay
Wellington, 6011

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1087,
Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Tel: +64 04 470 9942

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Oslo Chamber of Commerce
Henrik Ibsen gt-100
0255 Olso, Norway

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2874 – Solli
0230 Oslo, Norway
Tel: (47) 97 98 80 12 or (47) 91 39 97 49
Fax: (47) 22 12 94 01

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitons and Fairs
Professional Equipment



National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce in Pakistan
V.M. House, West Wharf Road
P.O. Box 4050 – Karachi 74000
Tel: (92-21) 231.1365-8 / 231.1453
Fax: (92-12) 231.0630 / 231.0602

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and fairs
Professional Equipment



Lima Chamber of Commerce
Giuseppe Garibaldi Avenue
396 Jesús Maria
Lima, Peru
Tel: +51 1 2191769

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 30 April 2024



Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 15 July 2024



Polish Chamber of Commerce
Ul Trebacka 4
Warsaw 00074
Tel: (48-22)827.7052
Fax: (48-22)827.4673

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 05/14/2003



Camara de Comercio e Industria Portuguesa
Palácio do Comércio
Rua das Portas de Santo Antão 89
1169-022 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: (351-21) 322.4065
Fax: (351-21) 322.4052

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 02/09/06

Puerto Rico (USA)


United States Council for International Business
1212 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Tel: (1-212)354-4480
Fax: (1-212)944-0012

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry
P.O. BOX : 402
Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 4455-5885 / +974 4455-9108; QCCI Operator: +974 4455-9111
Fax: +974 4466-1693

Accepts ATA Carnets for: Exhibitions and Fairs as of August 1, 2018

Reunion Island (France)


Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2 rue Adolphe Jullien
75001 Paris
Tel: (33-1)5565.3603 to 05
Fax: (33-1)4236.6092

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
Blvd. Octavian Goga No. 2, Sector 3
Bucharest, 030982
Tel: (40-21) 319 01 00/ 319 01 02/ 319 00 95
Fax: (40-21)319 01 01

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
6 Iliynka Street
109012 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: (7-495) 620 03 92 / 620 01 52
Fax: (7-495) 620 03 53

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

Saudi Arabia


The Federation of Saudi Chambers
P.O. Box 16683
Riyadh 11474, Saudi Arabia
Tel: (+966)(112182222), (+966)(112182404)
Fax: (+966)(112182111)

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 1 June 2024



Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et d’Agriculture de Dakar (CCIAD)
1 Place de l'Independance
B.P. 118
Tel: (221) 823.71.89
Fax: (221) 823.93.63

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Resavska Street 13-15
11000 Belgrade
Tel: (+381 11) 3304-535 / (+381 11) 3304-537
Fax: (381-11) 3231-016

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/27/06



Singapore International Chamber of Commerce
6 Raffles Quay #10-01
Singapore 048580
Tel: (65)6500. 0988
Fax: (65)6543.1052

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 06/20/2003



Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Street Address:
Viedenska stir. 5
Incheba Building, 15th Floor

Mailing Address:
Gorkého 9
SK-816 03 Bratislava
Tel: (421-2) – Mrs. Strhanova or (421-2) – Mrs. Gidova / Mr. Knopp
Fax: (421-2)

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 06/29/2001



Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Dimiceva 13
SI-1504 Ljubljana
Tel: (386-1)589.8116 to 589.8119
Fax: (386-1)589.8100

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 09/20/2001

South Africa


South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI)
P.O. Box 213
Saxonwold, 2132, South Africa
Tel: (27-11) 446.3800
Fax: (27) 86 528 17 46 / 86 528 26 62

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004

South Korea


Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry

1st Floor of KCCI Building
39, Sejongdaero, Jung-gu
Seoul 04513, Korea
Tel: (82-2) 6050 3303
Fax: (82-2) 6050 3319

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 08/03/2004



Spanish Superior Council of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Navigation
Ribera del Loria 12
28042 Madrid
Tel: (34-91) 590.69.00 (exchange) or (34-91) 590.69.14 (carnet department)
Fax: (34-91) 590.69.08

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitons and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

Sri Lanka


ICC Sri Lanka
Level 5, 53, Vauxhall Lane
Colombo 00200
Tel: (94-011) 230 7841 / 230.7825 / (94-0115) 33 3392
Fax: (94-011) 230 7841

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 01/29/2002

St. Martin/Sint Maarten


Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2 rue Adolphe Jullien
75001 Paris
Tel: (33-1)5565.3603 to 05
Fax: (33-1)4236.6092

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

St. Pierre (France)


Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment

Swaziland (SACU)


South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI)
P.O. Box 213
Saxonwold, 2132
Tel: (27-11) 446.3800
Fax: (27) 86 528 17 46 / 86 528 26 62 / 11 446 3804

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001



Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
Vastra Tradgardsgatan 9

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 16050
SE-103 21 Stockholm
Tel: (46-8) 5551.0000
Fax: (46-8) 5663.1630

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 09/20/2001



Swiss Alliance of Chambers of Commerce
4, Boulevard du Théâtre
Boite Postale 5039
CH-1211 Geneva 11
Tel: (41-22) 819.9140
Fax: (41-22) 819.9144

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 03/15/2001

Tahiti (France)


Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris
2 rue de Viarmes
75040 Paris Cedex 01, France
Tel: (33-1) 55 65 36 21
Fax: (33-1) 55 65 36 18

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)
7F, 333 Keelung Road, Sec. 1
Taipei 11012, Taiwan
Tel: (886-2) 2725.5200
Fax: (886-2) 2757.6632

Accepts only EC/CPD/China-Taiwan Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Professional Equipment
as of 05/17/2006



Board of Trade of Thailand
150/2 Rajbopit Road
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (66-2) 018-6888 ext 5500
Fax: (66-2) 662-1881

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 02/28/06



Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Tunis
1 rue des Entrepreneurs
1000 Tunis
Tel: (216-1)35.03.00
Fax: (216-1)35.47.44 or 33.29.68

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment
as of 09/2/2003

Türkiye (formerly Turkey)


Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB)
Dumlupinar Bulvari No:252 (Eskişehir Yolu,
06530 Ankara – Türkiye
Tel: (90-312) 218 22 45 / (90-312) 218 22 62 / (90-312) 218 20 00
Fax: (90-312) 218 22 44 / 219 40 90-91-92-93

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment



Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
33, Vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska, Kiev 01601
Tel: (380-44) 2792343
Fax: (380-44) 2782704

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Exhibitions and Fairs
Professional Equipment

United Arab Emirates


Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 1457
Dubai, UAE
Tel: (971) 4.202.8414
Fax: (971) 4.0202.8204

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs

United States


United States Council for International Business
CIB Service Provider Contact Information:
Tel: (800) ATA-2900 or (800) 282-2900

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Commercial Samples
Professional Equipment
as of 04/05/2004



Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI)
9 Đào Duy Anh, Kim Liên, Đống Đa,
Hà Nội 100000, Vietnam
Tel: (+84-24) 3574.2022
Fax: (+84-24) 3574.2020

Accepts ATA Carnets for:
Exhibitions and Fairs as of May 1, 2022